
Dentures Treatment

If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, whether from periodontal disease, tooth decay or injury, complete dentures can replace your missing teeth and your smile. Replacing missing teeth will benefit your appearance and your health. Without support from the denture, facial muscles sag, making a person look older. You’ll be able to eat and speak—things that people often take for granted until their natural teeth are lost.

Benefits of Dentures

  1. Prevents exisiting teeth from drifting into surrounding space of the missing teeth.
  2. Teeth out of position can damage tissues in the mouth.
  3. Helps to chew food.

Types of Dentures

Removable dentures
  1. Complete denture
  2. Partial denture
  3. Immedite denture
  4. Removable partial denture
  5. Cast partial denture.
  6. Interim dentures/ flipper denture.
  7. Flexible Dentures
  8. Overdentures
Fixed Dentures
  1. Implant supported hybrid dentures
  2. Mini implants stabilized dentures